Buy a Micro Scooter
Kids just love to scoot! They like the feel of the wind on their faces while they get around on their scooter. Are you looking for scooters that are just appropriate for the size and age of little ones? The Micro Scooter is the right choice! Micro Scooters are light-weight scooters ideal for little kids. They are children’s scooters that any father, mother, or child will love. Micro Scooters are known for their safe mechanism so kids can have a secure yet fun scooting experience. Shop for a Micro Scooter at Mr Toys now! From Globber Scooters to MGP Scooters, we have the perfect scooter option for every age.
There are 39 products.
SKU: 1054949
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SKU: 1068693
Don't Pay $179.00
SKU: 1148827
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SKU: 1088949
SKU: 1168111