Buy Balance Bike for Kids
Is your child yearning to ride a bike but you know they are not ready to do so yet? Then it’s time for you to train them to ride their first bike. Teach them the basic skills of balancing and manoeuvring with a new and sturdy balance bicycle from Mr Toys. The balance bike is the proper ride-on toy to train your child how to ride their first bike. Balance bikes allow the rider to walk the bicycle while standing over or sitting on the saddle. It has no pedals so your child can focus on balancing and driving the bike. When the child has got the feel of it, they will be able to glide and balance with their feet lifted from the ground. Grab a balance bike for your child now! Whether you're looking for a 12 Inch Wheels Bike or a 50cm Bike, our range also includes Balance Bikes and Kids Bicycle Helmets for the perfect riding experience.
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