Buy PJ Masks Toys
“PJ Masks are on their way, into the night they save the day!” Every child who hears that slogan will jump in delight. And why not? They hear it every time they watch their favourite cartoon show, the PJ Masks. The story of the PJ Masks follows three 6-year old kids who band together in solidarity and friendship to set-off on fun adventures every night. Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids who go to school every day, but when something goes wrong in their city, their sense of justice gets them to be curious and ready for a mission. Come night time when most are asleep, they don their magical pyjamas to become the whimsical superheroes Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko – together they are known as the PJ Masks. Encourage your child’s penchant for heroism and sense of justice by giving them PJ Masks toys and playsets. Shop now at Mr Toys! Our collection features classic Tamagotchi, Digimon Tamagotchi, and modern Pokemon Toys and Beyblade Toys for endless fun.
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